Entdecke die aufregende Fusion von fesselnder Seilkunst und Thai Yoga Massage.
Ich biete einen geschützten Erfahrungsraum, in dem du beide Formen erleben kannst. Für Fortgeschrittene gibt es die Möglichkeit zur Auffrischung & Vertiefung der eigenen Kenntnisse.
Lerne einfach durchzuführende Elemente der Thai Yoga Massage. Probiere dich in der Handhabung des Seils oder vertiefe deine Fähigkeiten. Genieße die wundervolle Wirkung der Seilkunst.
Dein Nervensystem entspannt sich und du fühlst dich geborgen. Im gleichen Moment erfährst du den angenehmen Druck der unterschiedlichen Thai-Elemente. Zusätzlich erkunden wir angenehme Dehnungen & dynamische Elemente um Verspannungen & Blockaden zu lösen.
Wir nehmen uns die Zeit und erforschen die Kombinationsmöglichkeiten beider Disziplinen. Im Shibari fokussiert sich meine Arbeit auf kreativ dynamische Bodenarbeit. Bei der Thai Yoga Massage begeistern mich kraftsparende & freudvolle Arbeitsweisen.
Aktuelle Infos zu den Terminen findest du im Newsletter:

Welcome to the World of Tantric Kink! Together we will learn and explore how to receive deep pleasure from sensation & impact play.
Moving sexual energy – slowing down– while ultimately removing any impatient neediness from our encounters. We will increase our arsenal of tools for more enjoyable sessions with our partners or friends.
Tantric Impact and Sensation Play makes you wake up! It draws attention inside your body. Don’t worry, this is not supposed to be painful. Any impulse can feel pleasurable, as long as you are able to relax into it.
Using Tantric Impact & Sensation Play, we learn how to move energy in our body, while enjoying the release of various endorphines. Getting high on our own supply
We will create a safe space and practice setting boundaries and limitations. Consensual communication provides the framework for playful and safe interactions.
Kinky encounters stir up a lot of energy. Looking from a tantric perspective, we will explore how to move this energy, while feeling safe and grounded. We will use various exercises from Tantra to increase our energy level, relax into presence and build up trust.
Bring a friend, come, play and enjoy!
how to communicate boundaries efficiently
how to feel safe and secure at all times
various elements of sensation and impact play
the role of breath and movement in tantric encounters
exercises to increase your energy level
the role of slow and fast interaction
the importance of aftercare
What to bring?
please bring a blanket
bottle of water, pen & paper
your favorite toys/tools
What to expect?
Nudity is welcome during partner exercise, but not mandatory
this is a safe space; any violation of personal boundaries leads to an immediate expulsion
at all times you can abstain from an exercise and take a break
no genital touching permitted
maximum of 20 participants
Please buy your ticket only if you have a partner for this event. In case you are on your own, and still wanna participate, you can find a partner in my group
A few single spots are available, send an email for one of these to info@somatic-connection.de
If you are interested in a single ticket, you’d have to be open to pair up with any gender.
All Covid safety requirements are installed. This workshop involves stronger energy work. If you are dealing with a lot of anxiety or unrest these days , please refrain from registering. Exercises involving touch and close distance, will only be done with your partner. For non-touch interactions, you’ll have the option to experiment with others. In case, this event cannot take place due to Covid 19, all tickets will be refunded. Otherwise refunds possible only until 7 days before the event starts (ticket fee deducted.)

Do I have to be naked?
No, you may be topless, to have more skin cover surface available. Full nudity is not allowed.
Can I choose to interact with my partner only?
Exercises involving touch and close distance, will only be done with your partner. For non-touch interactions, you’ll have the option to experiment with others.
Can I come with a friend?
Yes, definitely! You don’t need a romantic partner to level up your skill set! This is a playful workshop and doesn’t need to be of se#ual nature, at all.
What is sensation and impact play?
this may involve things like: slapping, grabbing, pressure points, or harmless tools that are bit stingy/scratchy
About Somatic Connection
Paul has been offering workshop and classes in Berlin since 2019. His japanese rope art inspired classes, offer safe and sensual spaces for exploration and learning. With his extensive background in trauma informed emotional work, he is well aware about the requirements for creating safe spaces. Originally active in social work, a wish for deeper and more transformational bodywork experiences has guided him towards offering spaces for healing and nourishment. Providing new skills, that support participants in enriching their relationships, is one of his driving motivations. Next to Shibari, his Tool-box is comprised of elements from Thai Yoga Massage and Tantra. His knowledge and experience in both disciplines contributes to deeper connections and profoundly enriching events.